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A traveling gavel program is designed to promote visitation of other lodges as a group. On October 28, 2023, Sandy Springs Lodge No. 124 created a traveling gavel for use in the 5th Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. The gavel was named as the ‘William (Bill) R Kayma Jr PM aka ‘The Legend’ Intra-District Traveling Gavel’ in honor of Bill Kayma who is a distinguished figure in the Georgia Masonic community, having served as the Worshipful Master of Sandy Springs Lodge No. 124 in 2002 and celebrating his impressive 25th anniversary in 2021. His contributions extend across multiple Masonic bodies, where he held the prestigious position of Past Master of the 5th Masonic District and earned recognition as a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason. Bill's commitment is further evidenced by his roles in the York Rite, where he served as High Priest, Illustrious Master, and Commander of all three bodies. Notably, he received the ‘Knights Templar Cross of Honor’ from the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar and the ‘Purple Cross Degree’ from the York Rite Sovereign College. As the Grand Commander of the KCCH Investiture Team for the Orient of Georgia for six years, Bill Kayma has left an indelible mark, exemplifying leadership, dedication, and excellence in the Masonic fraternity.

The Rules for Obtaining and Becoming “hosts’ for “The Legend” Gavel:

  1. The Gavel may only be claimed by another lodge of the 5th Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.

  2. The case, record book and these rules must accompany the Gavel on its travels.

  3. As a courtesy, the Master of the “host” Lodge should be informed of the intention of visiting lodge members to attempt to obtain the Gavel, prior to the visit.

  4. Each visiting member must be able to show his dues card to the Master.

  5. A minimum of 4 visiting members from the visiting lodge must be present in order to obtain the Gavel.

  6. Should 4 or more members from 2 or more different visiting lodges attend at the lodge’s meeting (and be in possession of their dues cards) the visiting lodge with the highest number of members “wins” the Gavel.

  7. Should there be an equal number of visiting members from 2 or more different lodges (all being in possession of their dues cards) then the visiting lodge with the greatest number of officers present “wins” the Gavel.

  8. Should there be an equal number of visiting officers from 2 or more different lodges (all being in possession of their dues cards) then the visiting lodge with the highest-ranking officer present “wins” the Gavel.

  9. Should there be a tie in the highest-ranking officer present from 2 or more different lodges then the lodge with the most recently raised Master Mason present “wins” the Gavel.

  10. In the event of a “tie” then the Gavel shall remain with the “host” lodge.

If the requirements are met, the lodge in possession of the Gavel “loses” it to the members of the visiting lodge, who become “hosts” and take it back to their lodge fully expecting a visit from other lodges in the 5th Masonic District, who, again, if they meet the requirements will then take the Gavel back with them to their lodge. It shall be the responsibility of the lodge claiming and “winning” the Gavel to immediately notify the Secretary of Sandy Springs Lodge No. 124 by email at and enter the relevant information in the record book. The location of the Gavel will be flagged on the Sandy Springs Lodge No. 124 website at to enable lodges in the 5th Masonic District to know its whereabouts!

The lodge in possession of the Gavel on the last day of November of the calendar year, must facilitate its return, along with the case, record book and these rules, to Sandy Springs Lodge No.124 by the first Tuesday of December of the same year so that it may be officially received back at the Lodge’s Annual Communication.

The Legend Gavel: About Us
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